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Saturday 1st February 2025 – Beiter Hit/Miss Express
NAA Results Published
After a successful NAA County Championships hosted at Hingham the results are out and we have let Josh out of the cupboard. They can be downloaded using this link.
Beginners Course Full
Out next Beginners Course in March is now fully booked. If youa re interested in learning how to shoot then keep an eye out for our next course which we will put the details of on the website soon.
Christmas Worcester
It was our last shoot of the year so it was a Christmas Worcester. Good turn out and congratulations to Richard M who got the one and only Club Record for the Worcester Compound – a clean 300 out of 300. Shooting starts back on 5th January so see you there.
Next Beginners Course
During the year we run regular beginner courses, usually one through the summer months and one during the winter months. The course offers full coaching by Archery GB licensed coaches in a safe environment and includes the use of all club equipment needed for the course. Our next course:When – Friday 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd March…
NAA Indoor County Championship Entry Open
The entry or the NAA Indoor County Championship which is being hosted by Hingham Bowmen on Sunday 4th February is now open for booking at:- All the details are in the prospectus below.
Indoor Classifications 2023
Archery GB have introduced a new set of Indoor Classifications for the 2023 Season which can be found here: They fall into 3 types:- Archer, Bowman and Master Bowman. For Archer level you need to shoot 10 dozen arrows on a recognised indoor round (for example 3 Portsmouths or 1 WA18, 1 WA25 and 1…